Monday, February 8, 2010

Our Next Prize and Winner Is.....

$10 off a DIY Beary Cute Party!!

Our DIY Beary Cute Parties ship nationwide!

Having a birthday party and need a funtastic party activity for your party guests? Offer them a Beary Cute Stuffable Kit, and they will have a blast building their own Stuffable!

Snowed in or stuck indoors due to the weather? Offer your child a Beary Cute Stuffable Kit which will offer a creative, hands-on activity!

Drum roll...............

drum roll Pictures, Images and Photos

Based on, the winner is:

Abbey Bilek Fatica

CONGRATULATIONS, ABBEY! Please leave your email in the comment below.


Living Your Moment said...

Yeah! Rita, I'm so excited! my email is

Rita said...

Awesome, Abbey! I will be emailing you sometime this week with your prize. Thank you for being a BCS Fan!

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